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Influenza Type A

We always feel so blessed to have a caring family doctor who is there for us in dire need. In this case, influenza. 

The symptoms of influenza come on very quickly. In my own case, a sudden high fever of 39 degrees and my body suddenly felt heavy like a ton of bricks. Pain in joints and overall muscle pain. Chills and a pounding headache and nausea and in some cases diarrhea.

The test for influenza must have the proper timing.  ( I know this because I was tested twice and the first test was actually negative until the next day)

If it is too early in the onset of the illness then the results will come back negative. Usage of these rapid influenza diagnostic tests to detect influenza viral antigens in the respiratory tract have become more common. The testing involves nasopharyngeal or nasal swab and rapid testings should give results in 15 minutes.

The basic difference between the common cold and influenza is that the common cold rarely gives chills and fevers, or muscle and body aches and pains.  

In my case, the doctor used the nasal swab and as he was sitting in front of me I grabbed him by the knees because it was such an uncomfortable procedure. I apologized for the knee squeezes after I stopped coughing and my eyes stopped watering.

Bed rest seems to be what works the best. Making sure to wash your hands frequently, and staying home for at least five to seven days. The medication I received was Tamiflu which previously did not have very good reviews so I was very hesitant to use it at first.

Complications of the flu could be Pneumonia which is an infection of the lungs and left untreated, it can be life-threatening. Bronchitis is another possible complication and is an infection of the airways and infection of the sinuses. Japanese surgical masks are essential and an effective way to stop the spreading of the virus. I bought two types.  

Also there is a spray that is available for inside the house to disinfect the rooms of the virus.

I will review this spray and surgical masks again at a later date. For oral rehydration, OS-1 is a drink compatible with the approach to oral rehydration therapy advocated by the WHO (World Health Organization) and the formulation is based on oral rehydration guidelines endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

For prevention gargle often and wash your hands well. Stay Healthy !  

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