97 year old woman makes handmade Japanese traditional footwear called Zori.

Zori sandals are a type of traditional Japanese footwear. Initially they were made of straw and used when wearing Kimono. These handmade zori sandals are for indoors and are made of pieces of cloth woven together to form the zori shape. They would be best worn with tabi socks. These zori were handmade by a 97 year old Japanese woman and it takes her an entire day to make one pair. The craftsmanship in her work is brilliant and I am honored to be the owner of the Japanese zori handmade by her.

Nowadays zori are made of various materials and they usually have a rubber sole for ones that are worn outside. Like all Japanese sandals, zori allow for free circulation of air around the feet which a feature that probably came about because of the humid climate found throughout most of Japan. Zori are easily slipped on and off. This is important in Japanese culture where shoes are constantly removed and put back on and practical footwear for a tight kimono. Happy zori wearing for the new year 2018